Get Your Networking On with Blogger Business Cards

Thought about getting business cards for your blog? It’s a great way to network, promote your website off-line, and get a few (possibly many) more readers. Having a business card at BlogWorld was invaluable, and I’ve received a lot of follow-up from folks who I otherwise wouldn’t have heard from again. Even though the cards were just quickly thrown together and didn’t look too great, they had my info on it, and that’s the important part.

Well now, came up with a great idea to design business cards specifically for bloggers – tag cloud and all:


What a cool idea. And the best part is, they’re free. Just pay for shipping. But if you do a PayPerPost article about it, you can get a voucher for free shipping, so the cards don’t actually cost you a dime!

Get your 100 FREE business cards, blogger style by going over here to

After looking around the site a bit, it looks like ooprint could even be a good competitor to VistaPrint. Some of their free designs are more attractive, but I’m not sure about the prices yet for the premium cards. I’m going to order a set of these blogger business cards, I love the tag cloud thing.

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